The concept of 'learning' and it's importance in our life .

Learning is an inevitable part of our life from  our entry in this world to our exit we have been and will be learning some or the other thing . When  you speak, the words which are emitted from your tongue were 'learnt' during your initial phase in this world . We learnt  walking , talking ,writing and  now, we will learn 'How to Learn'.When you see a magnificent person he is, what he is today because he was and still is 'learning and adapting' in different circumstances .I remember, I heard in a podcast the interviewee said that Steve Jobs isn't 'The Steve Jobs' because he created Apple.Inc he is 'The Steve Jobs' because Apple is still growing after him . So, learning is growing and growing is all about learning .When you read this blog you'll get insights for what, how and when to learn , Scientifically proven methods of learning and some insanely practical tips which you could learn and implement to grow. " Are you ready?" So let's learn, ,'how to study effectively?'

What should you learn ? 

 First of all , learn to 'adapt yourself' .It's arduous to keep sane in this insane world .. Am I right ? with the rate of change  expediting like a wild fire we are in the situation that if we don't grow we'll die  .. So what to do to grow oneself ? ...... I'll recommend to learn 'what is important for your growth' . Unclear, right ? Let me give you an example....... so, in order to pitch into the content writing industry you need to first  learn some basics aspects of content writing  and then start working .You can start writing your own blogs , observe other writer's style and create your own unique writing style . Understanding now ?... So, learn things that  can add value to your career.

 For me 3 skills everyone must have or even can acquire by learning are :  communication , negotiation and writing.

 Your thoughts may differ from mine so, "congratulations" you at least have your own views and thoughts and it would help you in the long run .

Active learning v/s Passive learning

'Active learning' is a approach to understand a topic by actively participating in it through discussions , problem solving and critical thinking opposed to 'passive learning' which is just taking the information .Active learning creates personal connections to the learner which further increases their motivation on the other hand passive way of learning is considered to be boring and thus less motivational.It is important to be a active learner because studying for degrees makes you 'well qualified' not 'well educated' . So when you  are learning a certain topic discuss it with others, read texts from former people who were sophisticated in the subject . Don't just take the information but make sure that the knowledge you grasp proves to be useful in your long term career.
So, Rule No. 1:  Be an Active Learner

To master the core , start with basic

Yes . You read it right . How would you understand the fractions if you don't know addition and subtraction ? ....... Learning a new thing may look an arduous task but it will be simplified as you start . How?... stay hooked till the end of this blog . Just remember: Tomorrow can't be predicted , Yesterday has already gone the only thing which you have is Today
So Rule No. 2 is: Start small, but start now


 How would you learn about a subject  if you don't study it ?  Suppose you want to learn communication skills. How would you learn it ?.... You can learn it by noticing people , by networking with more and more people, by reading texts and by listening to the sophisticated  people of  the field . The process when you were reading , networking etc etc . was the period of studying the subject/ skill . Now, that you understood what studying is "are you ready to study ? "

How to study at home ?

To study at home itself is a task but ,we will prove that a pandemic cannot stop a learner and we can and we will study at home .. so, how's the josh ?? ....
  • The First step in this process of studying at home would be finding a serene spot free  away from all distractions . It can be your bedroom , your study table and can even be the veranda of your house. 
  • Now, as you have found a 'study spot' within your home it is necessary to create a routine of studying  a new chapter everyday this would further motivate you to accomplish your goals.
  • ' Persistency is the key to success' ,so be persistent .

How to stay away from distractions while studying? 

The attention span of  we Homosapiens is gradually decreasing .( By the way Homosapiens is the biological name of humans )and thanks to social media people are wasting their precious time in just scrolling through instagram and facebook's news feed ." stop it !!!" it won't help you but surely can devastate your concentration . 
  •  So, delete or disable social media and time consuming applications from your mobile while studying.
  • Stay away from television and radio to avoid loss of concentration .
  • Don't eat while studying rather eat during breaks .
  • Have breaks at proper interval to avoid exhaustion while studying
  • Keep yourself physically and mentally fit to avoid  physical and mental distractions.
  • Stay away from high caffeine drinks like 'coffee' and those pseudo 'energy drinks' which are short term solution and can have adverse effects on your health
  • The best way to stay away from distractions is being determined . So, be determined !

 What should be your studying strategy ?

Richard Feynman a renowned theoretical  physicist who  won the Noble Prize in 1965 for his contribution to quantum electrodynamics . He invented this studying method widely known as 'The Feynman Technique'. 
This technique allows you to understand any core concept in a simplified way by following the above mentioned steps :
  • Read the material which you want to understand and memorise it ( here , memorise refers to mental comprehension ).
  • Then make concept maps based on your learning from the material .
  • The next step is to mentally revise the topic which you have just learned .
  • And then ,simplify the topic in your own words as if you are trying to teach a 6th grade child. 
  • Revise the topics which still you aren't able to teach and then repeat the whole process for learning and understanding anything to everything 

How to study for exams in short time ?

In this situation as you already have a short amount of time and long amount of chapters to be covered it is not  possible that you can learn every other  thing. Thus,  the above tricks can allow you study effectively in short time and will prepare you for exams .
  • First and foremost , prepare an outline of important topics based on previous papers .
  • Keep all your study materials handed to avoid the last minute hustle .
  • Understand the key concepts by using 'The Feynman Technique'. 
  • Keep a brief of important and arduous concepts and study them in the beginning . Now, most people keep the difficult concepts for the last but I would never recommend it as it will create  last minute hustle . It's better to finish the difficult first so that you have enough time for reviewing less important topics also .
  • Read , revise and repeat. 

How to study effectively for long hours ? 

Studying for long hours may seem a difficult task but ,no problem I am here to help you my friend. So, follow the above steps that's all you need to do .
  • Be physically and mentally prepared .Which means you should have taken an adequate amount of sleep and free from all  physical or mental ailments .
  • Have an optimist attitude and believe in yourself "You can do it "
  • Be persistent .Which means no matter comes what may you should be determined to finish your  task .
  •  Follow 'the 52-17 algorithm' : This formula states to study for 52 minutes and rest for 17 minutes again, this is a wonderful technique to avoid boredom and lost of focus .
  • Eat healthy foods during breaks.
  • Write or draw concepts based on your understanding of the topic .
  • Always study at daylight as the  energy flow in the daytime is always positive. 
  • Engage your senses while studying for ex. listen and take notes this way your sense of sound and sight engage to further motivate for studying .
  • Would you like to sit  in a dustbin while studying ?... obviously not right ? make sure that your surrounding is always clean because our surrounding constitutes in providing a positive vibe for us .
  • And most importantly, unplug all unnecessary electronics which can distract you from studying .
  • Always reward yourself. For ex.suppose have studied for 52 minutes and you are on your break of 17 minutes now as a reward for your constant effort of studying during 52 mins you can gift yourself a piece of chocolate or any other thing . Rewards can further motivate you to study

My personal studying tips ! 

  • Don't over learn .
  • Prepare a time slot for studying .
  • I always  study the topic , highlight the key concepts, understand and make notes based on my comprehension .
  • Read , repeat , revise and relax. 
  • And don't forget to check your understanding by taking practice tests .
"Thank you" for reading the whole blog my dear  reader . I trust that these tips can really be effective for you and would love to know your recommendations also . So, comment down and let me know!


Sadiya Shaikh said…
Very well explained..... Excellent tips for studies...... Young learners should follow.....they will feel comfort with this tips
Rehan Shaikh said…
Liked the line of 'Congratulations' where you showed how everyone is unique in their own way🧐
Rehan Shaikh said…
Although i haven't read any book yet. But i'll definetly apply this rule no. 2 while studying.👍🏻😁
Rehan Shaikh said…
Loved the way of your motivating. And for "how's the josh??". Highhh Sirr😁😄
Rehan Shaikh said…
In that line of social media. Your anger😳
Yes, i agree we should disable our distraction things.

"Learn to teach" perfectt😎

I loved the logical, technical, and humorous way of your explaining.

Just Fantastic!!
Furkhan Shamshi said…
Good work.....keep it up

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