Is the lockdown getting on your head? .. Do you want to kill the boredom and learn with fun?..What if I give you some ideas to upskill yourself by sitting at home? ......Do you want to upskill yourself and stand out from the crowd?..... Then "congrats" my friend you are on the right spot!
In this blog we will look at some of the amazing platforms which can help you to learn with fun and at the same time upskill you! And at the end of this blog, I have a 'bonus tip' for my beloved readers which can add value to their career.So, "stay hooked".
Stand out from the crowd!
I have a small task for you, it will help you to analyse your actions of the last 4 months and give you a perspective for your future actions. Are you ready for self-analysis?
Make a list of 'what you have done in the last 4 months' which contributed to add value in your career. As you analyse it you will have a wide perspective of your actions of the last four months. Now, keep that list on the other hand and prepare fresh new list of 'what you aspire to do in the next four months' which would contribute to add value in your long term career.No problem if you haven't done something substantial in the last four months. You still have one thing and that's 'now'!
You only have one thing today and that itself is today! Now or never! Understand the worth of 'now' and start working from now! Because yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to come and what's left with you is today! So, start today!
Could you arrange for 30 minutes from your day for yourself? Yes .. you only have to arrange for 30 minutes from your day and you'll be well on your way of upskilling yourself and embracing prosperity.
Just a small reminder, your future depends upon your actions of the present. It's like what you sow so shall you reap. So, sow seeds of beautiful future by learning what can help you in the long term career and nurture them with utmost care because then only you'll be able to cherish the sweet fruits of your future.
What should you learn?
I have made this list of top 3 best platforms to upskill yourself by keeping into consideration that these platforms can be used irrespective of age and gender. No problem if you are a school/college student or a professional working in a reputed firm .You can have access to all of these platforms and learn with an open mind.
I would recommend looking on your 'to-do' list for what you want to learn in the next four months and get into action .It can be communication, negotiation, writing, gardening, learning music or fine arts it can be anything that you have been craving to learn. And now, you have the chance as the schools and colleges are shut down due to the pandemic and most of the companies are adopting the 'work from home policy' and you now you have the power to change your future! These platforms could allow you to follow your passion, to learn what you want and could help you to stand out from the crowd. So, get ready to upskill yourself!
Founding year: 2012
Founder(s): Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller
Coursera is an online learning platform offering courses, specializations, degrees, professional and master track courses in various fields of arts and literature, marketing, digital marketing, machine learning, python, social science, personal development, health and well-being etcetera.They have various options with which we can start a course like 'free course, no certificate' or '13-days free trial' or you can even opt for financial aid which is provided by Coursera for economically backward students. An article published by INDIA TODAY describes that Coursera and Tamil Nadu government are collaborating to upskill 50,000 unemployed youth amid COVID - 19.That's a wonderful initiative by Tamil Nadu government, I appreciate their noble initiative of upskilling 50,000 unemployed youth. So, what are you waiting for? "Come on! Go and check which course suits you best and start doing it now!"
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It was amazing. Keep writing like this😊