Do you procrastinate and want to change your behaviour? Do you want to learn, how you can be more productive and less procrastinative? Then, you are on the right spot my friend. Now, don't procrastinate to read this blog! What is productivity? Ever wondered, why some people finish all their tasks before handed and always refrain from last-minute hustle? Why aren't we able to match them? The reason could be procrastination. In the Merriam Webster dictionary, procrastination means the putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done. When we procrastinate we not only allow the precious time to fade away but also let the present opportunities to slip from our grasp. Productivity is the opposite of procrastination. Productivity in simple terms would be being active and always growing. Whatever you do, keep doing it and always focus on growth. Let's learn how you can stop procrastinating and boost productivity! 1. #5 Way...